
Lifespan & Maturities

At the end of a life span a person 97% of humans do not ask how much coolade they drank–rather they ask, Did I matter, did I forgive and did I make a difference? A child aged 23 crying out for the father he never knew now lashing out at the population that is likened to him due to his recent promotion to fame-Dom. A woman vowing she’d never let another man in because of a hurtful relationship now unwilling to settle down and be happy or fill the Earth with mini-hers. Remembering the demise of my mother and how she lay tear rolling down her face ready to receive her “divine” health but knowing she would have to leave Earth to get it. The tear was a sign of finality yet a brief separation until we meet again. I’ll see you when I’m 100 because 99 1/2 won’t do mama!

This weekend was a time of blessed reflection of not waiting until your loved ones are decrepid and in a state of weakness to uplift them and celebrate them but to do so every day. Remembering when my parents left this Earth and those visiting and vowing to call and never did left a sour taste in my mouth of the things we speak yet do we really mean. Time impacts all of our schedules and we have to make choices which cause separation but be sure to take advantage of technology to remain in communication with your loved ones. Life is an experience and a gift that is meant to share with those who celebrate you not those for which you are tolerated.

Thankful for the inboxes of those who have reconciled with parents and people who dumped them and left them for ORPHAN. God adopted them and strengthened them and they were ORPHAN NO MORE going back to those same parents bringing them to Jesus and now they are all in the Kingdom.

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