Emotional Healing, Relationships

Love, Orphan Spirit, & the Revolving Door Syndrome

RevolvingDoorOh, the revolving door. Going round and round.

We were created for alot of things in life, but we were not created for revolving doors.

It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m thinking of all of the times I went to the aisles of Walmart reading cards for mothers and fathers and walking out of the store in tears because my parents were no longer on the Earth. This pain was deafening and put a huge hole in my heart that I desperately wanted filled.

At the time, it did not really matter who or what filled it, I just wanted the pain to stop. Imagine being totally affirmed and validated on a regular basis and then going cold turkey into a world where you were not sure what voices to believe or who you could trust. Viewing everyone as lambs when they were cloaked with the stench of predators preying on the weak. Life has taught alot about making sure you locate yourself and what you allow into your space.

Revolving doors are for the uncommitted ones not ready to make a decision and actually not having too because they’ve positioned themselves to have God like characteristics that must be passed from this one to that one via sex, communication, or actions. Often raging inside, they have no desire to settle down, and why should they when the door is always being opened for them to come in.

If you never had the validation that you needed or are trying to numb the pain for a trauma that happened in your past, you’re a great candidate for the person who has the revolving door syndrome. Why? You have not come into the knowledge of who you are and how many know……..

yeapYeap………so take a moment and think about it. Did your doorbell ring last night? Did you open it? Did they come in and turn you out? Did you wake up alone wondering what did I just do? Why am I allowing this?…but When are they coming back?

Feeling sure, insecure, elation, disappointment at the same dang time?

Know this….. the Bible (yes, that book), says that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. That has never changed. It may not be that Satan is showing up at your doorstep in a red jumpsuit with  pitchfork, but you are allowing these entrances into your body, mind, and spirit, that are stripping you of the very essence from understanding your identity in Jesus Christ. It is time to settle your mind and detox from the relationship so that you can come back to your first love….Jesus Christ.

The orphan spirit does not want you to become acquainted with God’s love. It wants you to constantly go on a hunt from relationship to relationship trying to be validated by man and fill your space with temporary fillers when all you need is ONE encounter with the liquid love of Father God to break the chains of that orphan spirit and set you free from the inside out.

Today, I urge you to not pick up that phone. Don’t know what to do?

1.     OCCUPY your time with friends today. If they are deciding to  follow their revolving doors

2.      Pick up the phone at 7:30pm EST and join me for HE FIRST LOVED US!

DNP1 Simply Phone Dial (712) 432-1212 Enter ID: 745-317-479# 

3. Share your time with a local women’s shelter, hospital, or food bank today.

4. Attend a bible study in your local area

5. Pick up a copy of my book, Overcoming the Orphan Spirit: Restoration for Self & Society at http://www.e-junkie.com/Trillionaire/product/489145.php

6. Make a decision to feel good about yourself 24-7 rather than making that person who is a revolving door-er feel good. They constantly pop up at your door because they are CRAVING validation and need to get it from you. I dare you to sit them down and do a John 3:16 on that real quick. Watch that response!

7. Live daily knowing that God loves you and you are his first love. Get a journal and mark this day as the day of your radical change to say no to drama and YES to Jesus. Give him all of you. He will turn your mess into a beautiful message for all to see.

Love you!

Trauma may have been yesterday, but hope does start today!



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